In the past few years, studies have shown that CBD can provide relief for many types of pain, including anxiety and insomnia. Chronic pain can also be associated with depressive disorders. Research shows that taking CBD before bed can help reduce stress. It may also...
Cannabidiol, or CBD, was discovered in the 1940s. It is one of 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. It accounts for up to 40 percent of the plant’s extract. While there are many misconceptions about CBD, the facts behind this compound are compelling. In...
In addition to its potential for treating anxiety and depression, CBD is effective in reducing social and public speaking anxiety. Studies conducted in laboratory animals have found that CBD reduces the inflammation that results from these conditions, and it reduces...
One of the most common reasons for insufficient sleep is stress and anxiety. Stress hormones, including cortisol, alert the body to danger and prevent sleep. Chronic flooding of the body with this hormone can be detrimental. CBD is believed to alleviate the symptoms...
So you’re wondering: Does CBD get you high? This article will shed some light on the subject. Read on to learn about the chemical process that leads to the intoxicating high from cannabis. Cannabis contains the psychoactive compound THC, which binds to receptors...